The 10 Best Gifts to Give Someone without Spending a Dime

The 10 Best Gifts to Give Someone without Spending a Dime
Photo by Jess Bailey / Unsplash

The best things in life are free—like unsolicited advice and that sock you found under the couch. Here’s a list of the top gifts you can give without spending a single cent.

1. The Gift of Unsolicited Advice

Nothing says "I care" like offering life-changing advice that no one asked for. Whether it's on their career, love life, or the best way to fold a fitted sheet, your sage wisdom will surely be appreciated—or at least tolerated. And if they don't listen? Well, you can always say, "I told you so" later. That's the gift that keeps on giving.

2. A Personalized Coupon Book

Remember those coupon books you made for your mom in second grade? It’s time to bring that back, but with an adult twist. Offer coupons for things like "One Free Hug," "30 Minutes of Listening to You Complain About Work," or "Will Pretend to Laugh at Your Dad Jokes."

3. Your Undivided Attention

In the age of smartphones and short attention spans, giving someone your undivided attention is like handing them a unicorn wrapped in a rainbow. Turn off your phone, make eye contact, and pretend to be genuinely interested in what they’re saying. It’s a small price to pay (which is zero, to be exact) for making someone feel like they matter—even if it’s just for a few minutes.

4. Handwritten Poetry

Channel your inner Shakespeare—or Dr. Seuss—and pen a poem straight from the heart. It doesn't have to rhyme, make sense, or even be grammatically correct. The effort alone will show that you care, and if your poetry is particularly terrible, it might even make them laugh.

5. A Social Media Shoutout

Nothing says "I appreciate you" like a public declaration on social media. Post a picture of the two of you (preferably from an angle that flatters you more than them) and write a sappy caption about how much they mean to you. Sure, it's basically free advertising for your friendship, but who doesn’t love a little online validation? Just be prepared for them to ask, "Why did you use that picture?"

6. Borrowed Clothes (That You Already Borrowed from Them)

Return that hoodie or scarf you "borrowed" six months ago and never gave back. Wrap it up nicely and present it like a new gift. Not only will they appreciate getting their stuff back, but they’ll also marvel at your creativity. And if they don’t remember lending it to you in the first place, then congratulations, you’ve just regifted with style.

7. An IOU for Future Favors

Write out a few IOUs for future favors. For example, "Will Help You Move (but not in the summer)," "Will Be Your Wingman/Wingwoman," or "Will Feed Your Cat While You’re on Vacation (unless it’s a holiday)."

8. A Thoughtful Playlist

Curate a playlist of songs that remind you of them—or better yet, a playlist of songs you think they should listen to. Whether it's a mix of their favorite tunes or a compilation of "Greatest Hits of the '90s You Forgot You Loved," it's a personal touch that costs nothing but your time. Just don’t be offended if they skip over a few songs.

9. Your Expert Services

Are you an expert at fixing things, giving advice, or making a mean cup of coffee? Offer your services for free! Whether it’s “I’ll Fix Your Wi-Fi” or “I’ll Help You Write Your Resume,” they’ll appreciate your expertise.

10. A Hug, but Make It Awkward

Finally, the simplest yet most profound gift: a hug. But not just any hug—a long, slightly awkward hug that toes the line between endearing and uncomfortable. Hold on just a bit too long, pat their back twice, and then say, "That was nice, wasn’t it?" Sure, it might make them squirm, but deep down, they'll know you care. Or they’ll start avoiding you in public. Either way, mission accomplished.

In conclusion, you don't need to empty your wallet to show someone you care. With these zero-cost gift ideas, you can spread joy, love, and mild discomfort without spending a dime. Because, after all, it's the thought that counts—especially when that thought doesn’t come with a price tag.

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