After Alabama's 'Successful' Nitrogen Gas Execution, Alabama Plans More Ways to Legally Torture Prisoners

After Alabama's 'Successful' Nitrogen Gas Execution, Alabama Plans More Ways to Legally Torture Prisoners
Photo by Emiliano Bar / Unsplash

ATMORE, Alabama - A prisoner was recently executed in Alabama, in what local officials are calling "the most humane execution ever carried out in the state of Alabama." The state's latest execution took only two hours while previous state executions took over four days.

Alabama's governor explained that "the Nitrogen gas execution method is highly effective." However, experts have been critical of Alabama's state executions with many calling the most recent execution unusual and cruel punishment as well as a form of torture.

"This is torture plain and simple," exclaimed Raymond Everett, a Criminologist at the University of Pennsylvania. He continued saying, "Alabama is notorious for long drawn-out executions. The state basically uses executions as a way to legally torture prisoners."

According to state officials, additional execution methods will be carried out in the future. Plans include drowning, stoning, and crucifying prisoners. State officials say that while these methods of execution may seem harsh, they are all technically legal.

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